Wednesday, August 31, 2011

| 1 Molnija Marks
I'd like to start off by saying I'M SO SORRY for the lack of updates so this post has a few things I've been meaning to post...

BLOODLINES and the Vampire Academy graphic novel have been released!!!! They were released on August 23rd in some countries and August 25th in most other countries! I'm super excited to go pick them up and start reading. You can read more about it here, it's the second post down. Richelle Mead's Livejournal.

Now, I don't know if any of you remember my post from a couple months back regarding the Official Vampire Academy facebook page and how they were conducting a vote to see who everyone wants to see in the Vampire Academy movie... Well, there are plenty more polls up for you to vote on so VOTE NOW!! OFFICIAL VAMPIRE ACADEMY MOVIE FACEBOOK. This is strictly JUST FOR FUN and by no means are these actors/actresses set in stone for the movie!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

| 2 Molnija Marks
Hey everyone! It's been over a month since the last post and I'd like to apologize for that. I've been so busy with work and so many other things that I haven't had time to get to a computer but I'm here now and with some big news!

First off, I'd like to say that Bloodlines comes out in just over a month! I'm so excited as I'm sure all of you are aswell! I can't wait to see what Richelle has in store for us this time. Also, Richelle has announced her second book from the Bloodlines series, titled 'The Golden Lily', and she has also released the art work for the cover! You can see it here at Richelle Mead's official Livejournal, it's the second entry down.

Secondly, I've heard rumors of a Vampire Academy movie and let me be the first to say that would be AMAZING! The only thing I'm worried about is that they might change so much, like they did with the Twilight Saga, and ruin the books! You never know until it happens though so we'll just have to wait and see.

It gets better! On the official Vampire Academy movie facebook they are holding a poll to see who the fans want to see as their favorite characters. It's not set in stone that these actors/actresses will be the definite role but it's always fun to imagine so get voting!

Monday, June 6, 2011

| 3 Molnija Marks
Hey everyone! Jessica here just checking in to keep this blog going. I've been super busy, as has Marie, and we are truly sorry for not updating as much as we should!

On the bright side, Bloodlines is now less than 3 months away from being released! I'm so excited and I cannot wait to read it. Here's Richelle's Livejournal blog regarding Bloodlines along with a little list of common questions she's asked about it and her answers aswell.

Also, I'm curious so I thought I'd ask a few questions of my own...

What's everyone's favorite Vampire Academy book?
Who's your favorite character/characters?

My favorite books are Vampire Academy and Blood Promise :) and my favorite character is most definitely ROSE because she's such a badass but feminine at the same time and I know every female wishes they could be just like her! LOL!

Monday, May 23, 2011

| 0 Molnija Marks
Hey everyone!

I'm sure you all saw Marie's post a few days ago regarding the Alpha Showdown 2011.. well, I was checking it out and Dimitri LOST by only 2% votes! :( So, I'm here to remind you all to vote for Rose in her current showdown against Kate Daniels. Rose is losing by a considerable amount so EVERYONE needs to go vote for her!!

You can vote HERE. We need at least one Vampire Academy badass in the finals!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

| 2 Molnija Marks
Maybe you remember the big snowstorms that swept the US at the same time that Richelle was on her book tour for Last Sacrifice? Unfortunately it resulted in her having to cancel the Minneapolis signing.

A few brave -and just a little bit crazy (in a good way) - Vampire Academy fans, made it to the Mall of America and decided to have their own signing. In case you missed that, you really need to read Richelle's blog post: The greatest signing I never had. Here's a taste of what you get. I present to you, Fauxchelle:

When the signing was canceled, Richelle promised she'd be back in the spring, when the snow cleared, and that's what's happening tomorrow. Sunday, May 22 is the new date for the signing. So if you're in the neighborhood, make sure you don't miss it. Because, not only will you finally be able to attend Richelle's signing. She has also promised to read from Bloodlines!!! You certainly don't want to miss that! Hopefully, all of us who can't attend this signing will hear all about it afterwards.

For all the details, go to Richelle's blog. Mall of America have also posted additional rules for the signing on their website. You can read about those on